The Nahant Historical Society wishes all of you happy holidays and a new year full of hope and recovery. These have been tough times for us all, but together we will get through it.
Our historical records show that we have supported each other for many generations. On the News page of our website, is an article about how Nahanters worked together as a community in another difficult time - the 1918 pandemic. Today, the Living History page on our website shows that, as we have done in the past, we continue to help each other though the current Covid 19 crisis.
Seaside Pizza is a shining example of this spirit of generosity and caring for others. For three months during the early shutdown period of this pandemic, Beni Noci, who owns Seaside Pizza, delivered free food to the town’s senior citizens. Working with the Nahant Council on Aging, he continues to offer half-priced meals twice a week.
Boston Globe, December 13, 2020
The Sunday Boston Globe had a special section on everyday people who have gone above and beyond to help others during Covid 19. We are proud that Beni Noci, and his team at Seaside Pizza, were recognized for their wonderful gift to the seniors of Nahant. We are so happy that Beni and his work have gotten recognition beyond our small town, as the everyday heroes they are.
A beautiful, award-winning picture from 2013 shows Seaside Pizza glowing in the dark, as their work continues into the night. The light in this picture is a shining example of kindness in our community. It is important that we, as a community, continue to support Seaside Pizza. Consider giving your business to Seaside Pizza to keep those lights on, as they provide good food for us all and continued generosity to our seniors.
Photo Credit: Karen Hosking, 2013 Smithsonian Magazine Finalist for "The American Experience"