The Living History Project
We are living history right now. We feel that this moment in time will be talked about, and can hold valuable lessons, for generations of Nahanters to come.
We know there are many stories around town, of generous citizens helping their friends and neighbors. The Society would like to document these shining examples of kindness, as well as any of your own personal experiences during this time.
How are you, our fellow Nahanters, living, working, and most of all coping, during the pandemic? Would you be willing to share your stories? Please email It will be archived in Nahant's history "so that the future might know the past."
Click below to read what Nahant’s 3rd and 4th graders have to say about the pandemic
When funding was exhausted in January, Free COVID-19 Testing was made possible by a private donor through the Nahant Preservation Trust.
Seaside Pizza was featured in The Boston Globe’s year-end “2020 Everyday Heroes” story honoring those that stepped up to help their communities.
“Halloween” Submitted By Ken Turino
A light was installed at the top of the Life Saving Station to provide a beacon of hope. Submitted by Ken Smith
Residents are painting rocks and placing them around town.
Ed Hayes as the Easter Bunny in the Easter parade put together by residents.
Response to the Nahant Veterans Food Market:
”I spoke with my mother this afternoon and she told me about the spectacular service she received today when she picked up the bags of food provided to my Dad as a veteran living in Nahant. I cannot tell you how grateful we are that my parents are being helped so much. We all live out of state and especially during these challenging times it is such a relief to know that they are cared for so much in their community. I just wanted to send this note to let you know how very much we appreciate all that do to help the veterans and their families.”
- Daughter of a Nahant Veteran
“We will always have our beautiful sunsets.”
- Diane O'Connor
April 9, 2020
The annual whale migration has lifted spirits. Pictured, a Right Whale was photographed off of Little Nahant by Matt Ackerman.
Nahant residents are buying meals for healthcare workers in Boston hospitals.
Many Nahant artists are spending their time in isolation by expressing their creativity.
Nahant residents are taking to their sewing machines to make masks.
April 2, 2020
"Nahanters are no longer racing out of Nahant along the causeway to go to places of employment. Life has come to a near halt. People are walking their pets on the beaches of Nahant, along sidewalks they never visited before, up to the available grounds around Northeastern. The air is so tranquil, so very quiet. All one can hear are the birds chirping. Coping with this way of life is so difficult in this year 2020. Cleaning personal property over and over is monotonous as we attempt to protect ourselves from this deadly virus. We are taking on many new chores, playing games alone and performing solo activities as was done many years ago. How nice is that! Growing up in this beautiful community has been extraordinary."
- Anne Cote
Residents are putting stuffed animals in the windows of their homes for the children to drive by and see.
March 26, 2020
“Thank you to everyone that donated and support us by ordering everyday during these pandemic times!! A great community like this makes it easy for us to make this decision! Seaside will extend the FREE lunch for Senior Citizens in need, for the month of April. Any Senior Citizen in need can call Seaside and we will deliver the lunch to them. Thank you Nahant for being an amazing community!!”
- Seaside Pizza