Nahant’s 3rd and 4th grade students shared with us their thoughts and feelings during the pandemic so that we could document them for future generations.
Third Graders, Johnson School
“Zoom for school and for church. Zoom with my family for Easter and for lunch bunch with my friends from school. It is now always Zoom. I can not wait to hug again and go to my friend’s houses to play.”
Drawing by Maeve
“I liked it because I got to spend more time with my family. I didn’t like it so much because I didn’t get to see my friends, though. I really liked it, too, because I did lots of paintings.”
Drawing by Eliana
“I think life has been pretty boring. I miss seeing my friends and learning at school I have enjoyed spending more time with my family and doing things like, baking, crafting and playing games with my sisters.”
Drawing by Elsie
“I feel like there is more work than there was. I don’t pack my backpack or lunchbox. There are more websites than it used to be. Kinda frustrated but I can play less or more than I used to.”
Drawing by Kenny
“I feel sad during this pandemic because I would usually be seeing my friends and having playdates. This pandemic has changed my daily routine because I would usually wake up and go to school and do work with my teacher Mrs.Durant, but now we are doing it virtually and it is not that easy. The things that feel different to me is everything here in Nahant, but I believe we can all get through this.”
Drawing by Heather
“Online learning, social distancing, wearing masks, and not being able to see my friends and family has been very hard. I feel upset, grumpy, and angry sometimes and wonder how this pandemic happened and when will life return back to normal?”
Drawing by Alexander
“I feel disappointed with the way I have to live right now. It’s hard not being with my friends and not going to school and staying home. I sleep later and go to bed later. We do different meetings now. I miss my school routine like gym and art. I can’t see my friends. I can’t meet new friends either. I’ve been quaranteaming with my cousin and aunt. I feel bad and good at the same time, in general. I feel bad because I go anywhere or be with my friends. I feel good because I can see my cousin and my family. I also get to swim in my pool.”
Drawing by Connor
“One thing that is different for me is that I have to wear a mask when I go outside. Another thing that is different for me is that I do online classes instead of going to school.”
Drawing by Adam
“I feel okay, happy to spend time with my family and pets. I don’t go to school anymore, no ballet, no karate, no beach, no birthday parties, no restaurants. ”
Drawing by Ione
“I don’t really like it because it is kind of not really seeing our friends. It changed my daily routine because usually I wake up and go to school but now I wake up and go to school on the computer.”
“It is nice, but the only thing that is hard is online school work because sometimes I sleep in late and I miss my meetings sometimes. I think that online school is hard.”
“I do not like not seeing my friends. But I also do like having more breaks then I usually do because I am on the computer more.”
“Having to restructure all my lessons has made me a first year teacher again without the pleasure of interacting vis-à-vis with my students every day. I became a teacher to work with children. Teaching this way is synonymous to being a bird with clipped wings.”
Fourth Graders, Johnson School
“I hate this ‘new normal’. I can’t hang out with my other friends. I also miss playing football with my other friends and watching it on TV too.”
“In this strange timer I’m living ok but sometimes I get very emotional and am happy to be with my family.”
“I know it’s hard right now but it’s not that bad actually because you get to experience what it feels like to be in a situation like this. So if you have it again you will know what to do and it won’t be scary.”
“The only thing I like about this time is that I can spend more time with my mom, dad, and twin sister.”
“Not being able to play with my friends, go to the grocery store with my family, play at the playground or see my teachers has been really frustrating.”
“I do not like the new normal because it feels weird to see someone you love but cannot hug them because they are afraid you have it.”
“I feel ok for now but I really miss my friends because 1. A lot of people are very funny and I miss laughing in person and 2. We could have gone over someone’s house and slept over.”
“I like being cooped up on my house sometimes but than again you just need to see people other than your family or you get kind of crazy.”
“The things I miss the most are seeing my friends and teachers at school. I miss going to the park and playing football. I really miss seeing my grandparents and my cousins every weekend.”
“I need to stay home all day every day and I can’t see anyone. So I have to FaceTime and zoom and text to communicate with others.”
“I am feeling very sad because I can’t see my friends, I have to wear a mask and I have to stay six feet apart from my friends.”
“It is hard living without playing organized sports, like basketball, baseball, lacrosse so it is hard.”
“I think this whole virus thing is crazy because everyone is scared and are trying their best to be safe and making sure they don’t get the coronavirus.”
“I feel hopeful because I know this will pass even if it takes a long time. I feel okay even though I am bored at home.”
“I just wish it was over already so when it’s summer I can jump off the wharf with my friends, and walk around town. I miss most seeing my friends, and eating out.”
“The things I don’t miss is waking up for school at 7:00 am, going grocery shopping and doing errands. How I feel about this is sad and also a little happy because I get to play video games with my friends more often.”
“I feel very happy that I get to spend quality time with my mom and dad.”
“The only good thing is I’m able to spend more time with my mom and my sick little kitty and I feel happy when I’m around them.”