The Nahant Historical Society was founded in 1975 because of our community’s vital need to collect, preserve and interpret the history of Nahant and its people. The Society continues to work with the ever-expanding collections to give better museum storage and provide access.




Nahant celebrates the anonymous restored gift of the Lowland Buddha, a Jizo Bosatsu. This work of art once graced the famous gate of the 1867 estate of George Abbot James and his wife Elizabeth “Lily” Lodge on East Point in Nahant.



The Society has on display many beautiful 19th century oil and watercolor paintings and etchings. Most notably are the William Huston ‘Bass Beach, Nahant’ 1880 and the Jonathan Mason’s ‘Castle Rock and East Point, Nahant from Mifflin Place’ 1832. Also on display are more recent works by Nahant artists Pete Rogers, Carolyn Jundzillo Comer, and Norman Laliberte.



Learn the story behind this intricate large plank-on-frame ship model, a recreated “Tall Ship” in miniature. Find out about Winthrop Taylor Hodges, the man who spent ten years building this ship in model form based on a youthful memory. See rare photographs of the ocean-going Sarah, upon which he sailed in 1887.

Nahant On The Rocks, Lowell Room Gallery


Our first full exhibition, entitled Nahant on the Rocks, This is an interactive exhibit showing the history of Nahant from its early days as grazing land for Lynn livestock, through its days as a fishing community, its heyday as the Summer resort community for Boston’s wealthy, as well as featuring literary and scientific notables and artists. Please come in for a visit - admission is free!


Research At The Historical Society


The Nahant Historical Society maintains its collections, a research library with archives at 41 Valley Road, Nahant, Massachusetts to preserve and share the history of the town of Nahant. These consist of both primary, and secondary sources of Nahant’s history with related materials from Lynn, Boston, Massachusetts, and New England. In addition there are sections on maritime history, decorative arts and biographies associated with Nahant and American history. The collections do not circulate. We welcome your research inquiries.

Download our Research Policy Here


Research in Person
Appointments are strongly recommended to ensure that we can assist you properly. Email or call (781) 581-2727 to make an appointment. Admission to the Hodges Library is free. You may do your own research without fee, under staff supervision. Staff will assist you with access to library volumes and archive files. Staff will assist you if certain artifacts are very fragile. Laptops are allowed and Wi-Fi is available. Personal bags will be placed away from the table, and only pencils allowed. Food and drink are prohibited, unless specifically allowed by the staff. If so, all artifacts must be moved out of danger. You may use any personal digital device to photograph to artifacts for personal research. Please see the Research, Reproduction, and Permissions Form

Research by Telephone
(781) 581-2727. We are happy to answer general inquiries about the collections and general questions, such as: “When Nahant was first settled or incorporated?” For more in-depth questions it is preferable to do so in writing.

Research by Email or Mail
There is no hourly fee for members and students. Donations in support of our mission are gratefully accepted. The Society is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization. For non-members, and corporate entities, the research service fee is $25 per hour. Please provide clear, specific questions and description of what you need so our staff can assist efficiently. Research requests are processed in the order they are received. Allow 4-6 weeks to fulfill them, due to the high volume of requests. Photocopying of any paper artifact is subject to the approval of staff, because of its possible fragility. Photocopies are for personal or research use only. Reproduction in any form ( print or digital) requires written approval from Nahant Historical Society. See the Research, Reproduction, and Permissions form. Photocopying fees per page will be 25¢ for members, and $1 non-members. Fees for reproduction, and permissions vary, subject to the nature of the request. The Society uses the United States Postal Service for mailing research parcels with USPS fees subject to prevailing rates. These will be included on your research invoice.