Annual Meeting 2023

The Nahant Historical Society cordially invites you to its Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 2PM.

We will hold our annual business meeting to vote in new and returning board members and attend to any business at hand. This will be followed by a presentation in honor of long-time member, friend, and supporter Doug Lemle whose donation of time and resources towards the preservation of Nahant’s history has been vital to the Society’s success.

We will be enlightened by Robert B. Dimmick / Etiquetteer, about the ‘Victorian Summering’ of the Boston Brahmin in Nahant.

Robert B. Dimmick has been writing about matters of manners as Etiquetteer since 2001. Writing from the intersection of Etiquette, History, and Humor, Etiquetteer has advocated for what used to make daily life beautiful, or at least bearable, and advised readers on how to manage 21st-century situations with older-fashioned aplomb.  Read more Etiquetteer at You may follow Etiquetteer on Facebook, and on Instagram at @etiquetteer1.

A native of Louisiana, Mr. Dimmick identifies as “Southern by birth, Yankee by choice,” having remained in Boston since his arrival 40 years ago. A graduate of Interlochen Arts Academy, Boston University, and Emerson College, Mr. Dimmick is proud to be affiliated with the Gibson House Museum in Boston’s Back Bay, whose archives provided much of the material used for Etiquette of the Brahmin Summer. The Gibson House is also home to Etiquetteer’s Annual Repeal Day Celebration each December. Learn more about the Gibson House here:

Please join us in person at 41 Valley Road, Nahant or via zoom. Open to the public and light refreshments will be served.

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