julie tarmy

Cola Family

Cola Family

It has been sixty years since our Grandfather sold the house that is known as the Thomas Howe Estate at 9 Little Nahant Road. Anthony “Tony” and Paolina “Polly” Cola bought the house in 1951 as a place where their three daughters, could spend some time in the summer with their growing families. The house was a veritable playground for the eleven grandchildren.


Molly Conlin

Molly Conlin

In April 1973, Dave accepted a job offer in Boston. We both grew up in western New York and had been living in the Washington D.C. area for several years. Neither one of us was familiar with New England, except for our brief honeymoon in Kennebunkport, Maine in 1969.


Marilyn Mahoney

Marilyn Mahoney

For my entire life, Nahant has always had a very special place in my heart. When I was growing up on the other side of the causeway, Nahant Beach was a recreational playground luring my family and friends for a “day at the beach”.


Anthony “Nino” Romano

Anthony “Nino” Romano

Carmelo Romano and Santina Campisi grew up next door to each other in a town called Port Paulo in Sicily, Italy. Carmelo came to American approximately in 1924, and his future wife Santina came over later. They met again and got married in Lawrence, MA. Being a natural fisherman, they soon moved to Nahant.


Al Badger

Al Badger

Al has a vivid memory and recalls movies at Fort Ruckman during the war, seeing them testing torpedoes at the wharf, selling his lobsters to Sammy at the 400 Club, The gang at the wharf, Fred Kemp, his monkey, Joe Bushnell, Louie Letourneau, Wilson and Clarence Tibbo, Jimmy Brown, Don Hodges, learning to drive on the causeway, working at Roland’s Greenhouse and so much more.


Linda Zeitz Lehman

Linda Zeitz Lehman

I remember being at the J.T. Wilson School in the 1950s and the two-platoon system. The Johnson School was under construction and the Wilson was over crowded. So, some of us went to school from 8:30 to 12:30 and some of us went from 12:30 to 4:30. Miss Goodwin was my all-time favorite teacher. And the ‘apparatus’ filled the school yard and was enjoyed by all. We went to the Valley Road School for grades 7, 8 and 9. Marie Wall was the best English teacher that we had, and Mrs. Wilson certainly let you know when the stitching was not to her liking.
